--- a/Makefile.linux
+++ b/Makefile.linux
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 # The C compiler
+CC ?= gcc
 # The following line must be uncommented if you want to specify a place
 # where the 'gs' (or 'pstoedit') program is.
@@ -25,11 +25,10 @@ GTK_LIBS=`pkg-config --libs gtk+-2.0`
 # The list of important files
 OBJECTS=auxi.o bonds.o easychem.o export.o dialogs.o detect.o library.o drawing.o
-all: easychem po/
+all: easychem po
-easychem: postscript/ graph/ $(OBJECTS)
-	$(CC) -o easychem $(OBJECTS) $(GTK_LIBS) $(C_FLAGS)
-	strip easychem
+easychem: postscript graph $(OBJECTS)
+	$(CC) $(C_FLAGS) $(LDFLAGS) -o easychem $(OBJECTS) $(GTK_LIBS) -lm
 clean: FORCE
 	-cd graph; make clean
@@ -37,7 +36,7 @@ clean: FORCE
 	-cd po; make clean
 	-rm $(OBJECTS) easychem
-export.o: export.c common.h bonds.h postscript/
+export.o: export.c common.h bonds.h postscript
 	$(CC) $(GTK_FLAGS) $(C_FLAGS) -c export.c
 bonds.o: bonds.c common.h bonds.h
 	$(CC) $(GTK_FLAGS) $(C_FLAGS) -c bonds.c
@@ -49,20 +48,22 @@ library.o: library.c common.h library.h
 	$(CC) $(GTK_FLAGS) $(C_FLAGS) -c library.c
 drawing.o: drawing.c common.h drawing.h
 	$(CC) $(GTK_FLAGS) $(C_FLAGS) -c drawing.c
-dialogs.o: dialogs.c common.h dialogs.h graph/
+dialogs.o: dialogs.c common.h dialogs.h graph
 	$(CC) $(GTK_FLAGS) $(C_FLAGS) -c dialogs.c
 detect.o: detect.c common.h detect.h
 	$(CC) $(GTK_FLAGS) $(C_FLAGS) -c detect.c
 # The rules for subdirectories
-graph/: FORCE
-	cd graph; make all
+	+make -C $@
-postscript/: FORCE
-	cd postscript; make all
+	+make -C $@
-po/: FORCE
-	cd po; make all
+	+make -C $@
 # This is used to force an update
+.PHONY: graph postscript po